Tonight when I was working I was terribly bored. I was doing the usual thing, projecting, tearing tickets, trying to guess what movie people are going to based completely on appearances, looking around at anything interesting, etc. It was about 9:30, and I was nearing boredom that is almost agony. I was just about to go up into the booth when 4 people were at the bottom of the stairs. I decided to wait for them to get to the top so I could tear their tickets before I went into the booth. This is where it gets exciting for me. Deron Williams, his wife, and another couple were the patrons that I had waited for. It was very obvious that he didn't want to be noticed to me because he was wearing a hat and a jacket with the hood up. As he walked around he kept his head down in what I assume was an attempt to keep his face concealed. I thought about waiting for him after his movie was over to get a photo with him, but I thought about my lack of camera [and didn't want to use my phone], and that that if he didn't want to be bothered, I am not an acception. Luckily when I tore his ticket he didn't push my face like he is in the photo above. He is an exceptional basketball player, and a bit above average as a customer.
Fun for you. I like that idea of guessing what movie people are going to. How often are you surprised?
That's way cool. No one cool comes to my theatres.
He is really tall, so it is probably hard for him not to get noticed. I wish he would have pushed your face like the photo above, that would be funny!
I would hate to be famous.
I'd have pushed your face EXACTLY like in the picture if I were D Williams...Exactly!!
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