I was playing soccer with my pals. We play a game were we take free kicks, and the person to get the most before having 3 blocked or miss wins. I scored 2, then Matt scored 4 or 5. It was Logan's turn. I stood behind the goal to protect the balls from traffic should the ball get kicked with enough weight. I was cheering for Matthew to save me from last place. I did my best to cheer him on, but after Logan's second or third goal I hit the ground with disappointment. It turns out that when you slap a bee it will sting you instantly. I was stung.
I haven't been stung by a bee for a while. I was planning on going through the rest of my life never to be stung again. Fail. Now as you can see in the photos below after 1 full day, my hand is swollen to some degree. You may also notice that the area closest to the point of the sting is white, as is the back side of my hand between my ring and middle finger. My hand is very itchy and i woke up scratching it a few times last night.
I am never going outside again.