May 18, 2010


I am not sure if this bag is full of sand or sam. It is labeled "SAMBAG" but only the person that wrote it can know that was meant for sure.


Aimee said...

That is kind of creepy. I am hoping it is full of sand and not Sam.

Heather said...

Were they all SAMBAGS, or just that one?

Laura said...

That's exactly how I would pronounce it.

Annie Krissman said...

I believe that the b is silent as it is in the word "dumb" so nothing to be alarmed of. Unless, it is really trying to say "gabmas". That is something to watch out for.

Unknown said...

You could actually know if you open the bag and look in. Annie, I don't know what a gabma is. Could that possibly be an old lady?

Stembob said...

Haha! I love it!
Someone cant' talk good! Ha!

phoenyx said...

I think it's a bag named "Sam"