I am aware that today is April 1st (April Fool's). The following is true:
The first discovery:
I will not beat around the bush. I am a freak. For the second time in my life I have discovered that I am not normal. [The first time was when I discovered that my one ear had a hanging lobe while the other has an attached lobe.] I was sitting in my class trying make time go faster [with some success] and was just thinking about how the human body is incredible. I was checking mine out a bit, and started to look at my hands. I looked at some scars and was amazed. It was perplexing. A scar is almost like a photograph. After admiring some scars on my palms I noticed that the palm of my hand had ridges like my finger. I then began to wonder if I could be identified by the palm print of my hand like the fingerprints can be used to identify someone. It amazed me that the billions of people on our planet can have a unique print. I then began to gaze in awe at my fingerprints. This is where I am a freak. I discovered that 9 of 10 of my digits have the "loop" pattern, but on my right thumb I have the "whorl" pattern, ergo a freak.
Second discovery of the day:
After looking at my hands for 20 minutes or so, I started to look other places. I looked at my arms and as I laid my eyes on my left arm there was a champion hair that stuck out, way out farther than the other hairs on my arm. It was incredible. This hair is at least an inch long. I knew about another rogue hair that appears from time to time. The strange thing about these two hairs is that they are black, and coarse. I thought about pulling it out, but I decided to let it grow to see how long it can get. I tried to get a photo of it, but it is hard to get one of such a thing, and since I had to get a good amount of light on it for the photo to work it looks much more brown than in reality.

Third discovery:
As class had progressed from review to new material I lost interest in my strange hair and fingerprints. I began taking notes. In my notes I will sometimes circle things. The circles are never that good, but sometimes I get a cool looking circle. Today was my day apparently because about 10 minutes before class was out after a few discoveries it happened. I drew a circle that I found to be very incredible. This was not a circle that was very round, but I had drawn it so that there were no traces of where the line had started or where it ended. I have been telling people about this wonder circle and they wanted proof. It is in the photo below.