I was watching a movie tonight and became aware of something that I have been overlooking for many years. In my youth I watched many Disney movies, many of them with my little sister Laura. We would often find the movies terrifying and would cover our eyes and ears to shield our frightened selves from the horrors on screen. Typically I would be the one that was unfortunate enough to be the one that had to check to see that it was safe to glue our eyes back to the TV. There are two movies in particular that I can remember being scared of.
1: The Lion King
"The Lion King" is a charming tale with a horribly terrifying villain, Scar. Scar alone is enough to keep children scared out of their senses, but he required some terrifying sidekicks, the gang of hyenas. The three main hyenas were not scary, but when Scar is singing (demonic chanting is probably more accurate) in the cave that has green flames shooting up all around the outstanding mass of them is somewhat overwhelming for a sheltered child as myself.
Then we have the scene with Mufasa when he is killed. The scene is quite vivid in my mind when he is tossed back and does a bit of flailing as he falls to his death concealed by dust from the stampede. When Scar is finished off it is a bit different, but it has the same general idea. Simba pushes him off the edge, and he does a bit of a flail of the legs as he looks back at the ledge and the prevailing Simba. My memory is a bit hazy but I believe that he is concealed by some sort of fog. (correct me if I am wrong)
2: The Great Mouse Detective
I will just say that the bat is the worst in the first 5 minutes. It is the only time of the movie when the bat isn't a goof and messing everything up. We couldn't watch the scene when the mouse father/inventor is taken captive.
Ratigan. What else do I have to say? He is always a creep, but at the end when he goes into a spiraling manic rage could scare anyone. I argue that it is certainly top 5 terror leveled Disney villain fights. And what happens at the end once again? He falls from a high place to certain death concealed by fog.
This brings me to my point. I don't want to be a villain. They are always pushed off high things into fog, or dust [either case is less than desirable]. However, being pushed from a high object is not limited to villains as we see in "The Great Mouse Detective" when Basil of Baker Street is pushed off with Ratigan. I think we can all avoid being killed by not fighting around the edge of a large cliff, Big Ben, or any other large cliff like places.
I will award a single point for the person that comes up with the best villain name for me. Offensive names will be a deduction, while a name that is incredibly witty can perhaps gain two points.
I remember always being afraid of Sleeping beauty. I thought Malificent was the scariest villain.
My name for you would have to be Robscallion
Handsome Rob.
Signature move:
"Zuke from above"
As a side note, I took this test at disneyland once that took my picture, along with my responses to various questions, and told me which disney character I was closest to... I did it once, and got SCAR!! Unsatisfied with being labeled a villain, I took the test again, SCAR AGAIN!! Thinking it was far too accurate to peg me as the same character twice in a row even when i answered different questions, I tried a third time. Hopper from a bugs life.. I decided that day that we can't help being villains sometimes, and I have long since accepted the fact.
As for you and a villainous moniker, consider the following:
The Rhobnoceros
Robsicle (or Robsickle-cell Anemia)
Cops and Rob...(you'd be more of a villainous side-kick to someone called cops..)
Bad Rob's Big Blog
Christopher Rob-ins, leaves you sobbin..
The Macabre Array of Armed Rob-ery
(that one was too forced)
Count Le Von Robbe (kind of has a foreign james bond villain feel)
Robula the Nasty
Rob-an Numerals
Robhurt Thorley (or Gore-ly)
Or some less Rob-ish ones
Scorpion Chaos
Lex Cobra
Rear Admiral Snakeskin
Balsac the Conqueror(I actually got this one from a villain-name generator so it shouldn't count, but i thought it was funny because it had the word ball-sack)
Bones McSlim
Bone Masher
Mr Nukes
What about:
Robtured Membranes
Skinny Smackdown
Raving Rob Hurt
Robber Swagger
Raw Rob
Robbie Reaper
Come on those are good, let me win the contest.
When are you going to declare me the winner?
Raw B
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