I have been having a hard time with my car, and I have been actively using public transportation in an attempt to avoid making the problems with my car get worse. I have come to some interesting conclusions about public transportation.
1. I think riding the bus is a pretty good time. People are really funny on the bus, and it has given me an appreciation for ice cream. People that have to take the bus home from the store must have a very difficult time getting ice cream to their home without it melting.
2. Trains are nicer than buses. I rode "Frontrunner" yesterday, as well as TRAX. I wish there were many more TRAX lines around the city. It would be awesome to be able to take trains all over rather than a bus.
3. If you have to take the bus, make sure that you have hours of extra free time that is available for consumption by waiting for buses. I went to the university with Matthew on Friday evening. We have a bus stop that is a block away from our house that has a stop a block away from a TRAX station. We had no idea that it would take 2 hours for us to go turn in a paper and get a book at the library. I would estimate that the same trip in a car would take less than 45 minutes easily.
4. Riding the bus makes for a good time to think about life.
5. The best seats are the ones on Frontrunner and the worst are on TRAX.
First of all, I don't know anything about riding public transportation. It intimidates me.
Secondly, I was wondering when you were going to declare a winner of the Halloween picture contest. I would definitely vote yours as the scariest. The scariest thing about it is that you didn't even use any photo editing. You, however, cannot win because it is your blog.
I would vote mine as the scariest and Annie's as the silliest. If you agree, you can give us our points.
Thirdly, you said that you were going to give me a point for beating you at bejeweled blitz, and you haven't done that yet. This is just a friendly reminder.
Sorry about your car. I'm glad you have others ways of getting around even though they are not ideal.
Please explain the difference between "Frontrunner" and "Trax". Also, when you think about life, what do you think? What is better about the seats on Frontrunner, and lastly, do you think that people without a car who use public transportation to get their groceries only eat ice cream in the winter?
Oh, and I forgot, I read your blog several times over trying to figure out why you titled it what you did, and I guess I just don't get it.
Look at the photo Baby Jay. Get it? I never rode public transportation (even though it is free while attending the U) because of the time issue. Front Runner looks a lot cooler than Trax so glad to hear the seats are nices. Too bad it doesn't go around town.
I definitely agree. I've actually written a few articles on TRAX and how it could be so great if only it were more extensive. But, my writing doesn't get accepted anywhere, so oh well. But I totally get what you're saying.
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