November 11, 2009


I want a time machine so that I can time machine myself out of school. The only problem with the time machine is that I need to learn the things I am learning in school for a job. If I use a time machine I would skip over the knowledge that I need. Is there a way to go on autopilot and not notice the other part of life other than going to school?


Unknown said...

Everyone wants one of those. I am so proud of you and the way you are hanging in there! It will be worth it in the end. I love the saying "the only way out of it, is through it."

phoenyx said...

Sadly, you'd still need to get the degree.

Heather said...

Time travel just makes everything too confusing. I hate to even think about it.

Laura said...

I'm certain you've seen the movie Click. You don't want your life on autopilot. However, if I had a time machine, I would stop time so I could get all of my school work done AND have time to do something else.

Aimee said...

I agree with Laura

Jace said...

The thing about "needing to learn stuff in school for your job" is a bit flawed really.. They will train you at work to do anything you need to do, and 90% of the stuff you learned in college is either useless to your future job or you will forget how to use it anyways. But man a time machine would be solid, just so you could stop time for 2 hours a week and get all that stupid crap you have to do but don't want to cut into your free time..