I am a person that you should abuse. Mostly mentally, but sometimes physically. I have noticed that people make fun of me more than I perceive others getting made fun of. I have a face that says, "Please make fun of me." or maybe it just says, "If you make fun of me I can handle it." Whatever the case may be, it is interesting to me.
I have come up with some theories about why. Some are better than others, you can decide what you agree with. This will be a contest blog as well. The objective is to come up with your best theory and submit it via comment.
1- It is my eyes. My particular shade of blue is calming to people. As my eyes calm them, much like the hypnosis of Kaa from
The Jungle Book, and as such they feel relaxed by me. This relaxed state is a misinterpretation of the truth, and they think that although they are strangers they are welcome to poke fun at me.
2- It is my smile.

I don't know about you, but I would make fun of someone with a smile like this. Don't get me wrong, this girl is adorable, but that is because she is a child. If an adult has a smile like this they are going to have people to deal with. Once again I believe that a smile can be calming, however, I also think that it could be possible to offend someone with a smile. Sometimes at work I do both as people trip on the stairs or escalator.

This may be a bit more contrived, but I propose that my freckles are sending a message to people's sub conscious. Somehow the melanin spots on my face are conveying a message to joke with me. They don't tell them to destroy my feelings, just to give a quick mocking remark in passing. Freckles do this.

I will not claim to have a neck that is comparable to this guys. The smile is there, the relaxing, yet a bit eerie. If my theories are correct I think that this man will be made fun of often. END>
Who has been making fun of you?
(What is that last picture supposed to be?)
I have noticed that there are a few other people I can think of that get abused frequently; one being your mother, the other Jake Haggerty. I will have to think more of what you have in common with them to come up with a conclusion.
It has nothing to do with your physical appearance. It is all about your personality which is fun loving and at times goofy. I can also be goofy, which I think is why I get made fun of, I believe. Hooray for me. This is the first time I have won a contest!
Hold on a second Baby Jay. I forgot this was a contest. I know why Robert gets made fun of. It is because it is so easy that people can't resist. I mean really - loafers. Puleeze.
I win!
Some people might still be resentful about the number of ladies you landed in 8th grade...you took them all. Naturally my theory is restricted only to those who have known you since the 8th grade....
Actually Heather, you have won three contests. Don't be so greedy. Try to figure out who I really am. Mystery.
While I find a lot of merit in buddy's argument... I think it has to do with what I like to call, SKINNY PERSONISM... (much as I get made fun of more than some, because i have the related FAT PERSONISM) The thing about it is, I'm not the fattest guy around, as you aren't the skinniest guy around.. But as it is cruel to make fun of people who are actually obese, anorexic, or extremely undernourished and angular..
This makes you and I a target for mockery sadly, which is only elevated by our seemingly jovial nature and ability to take crap..
It could also have to do with the whole "SKATEBOARD" mentality..
which I describe as thus:
When we see people interested in themes society has dubbed "Generation X" we also assume for some reason that because they are out of the status quo they must possess a more colorful personality ... By they, I mean GOOBERS. Goobers want to be interested in "cool" things(things they at least assume are cool)(even though you aren't really cool at all) (haha) So they try to befriend you the only way they know how.. By treating you much like Screech from Saved by the Bell.. (just replace bugs with skating, and that's who society thinks you are) They of course see themselves as Zack Morris and A.C. Slater material, but want to have people like you as friends because this "screech" you represent is actually interested in things people respect, but don't admit. (Unlike saved by the bell screech who is only part of the group because of geographical convenience in childhood, as well as his ability to be talked into things by a scheming Zack Morris)
Because people don't really know themselves, we have assume we live on TV and act accordingly. (we're all guilty of this to some extent)
Sadly, you being skinny only perpetuates the Screech theory..
My 3rd and final theory is the loafers...
I think it's your posture.
Could it be that you say "poke fun" Because people poke fun when I say that! Instead of "make fun!" Ha!
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