I am going to put the fate of the spoiler with my blog followers. I would say to comment on the one you like but some people may be a bit nervous about making a comment on my blog. Therefore, there will be a poll on the right side of the blog where you can vote. I am aware that you can cheat the voting, so in the event of a tie the spoiler will stay off. If you have a strong enough opinion either way and choose to vote multiple times for one, I applaud you for your conviction. If you are an economist and believe that your vote won't count, you are probably right because I am going to do what I want almost certainly. Vote if you wish to. Go.
Whichever one you like is what I like. I like you.
Oh...that kind of spoiler. I thought we were going to be voting on if we wanted you to tell us what happened at the end of a book, movie, or television show. It made a lot more sense once I saw the pictures.
I usually hate spoilers, but kind of like it on your car. Humm, tough choice.
I think it looks better with and mom agreed.
I think it would be best with a different spoiler but until then I say go without.
I liked the spoiler.
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