I love skateboarding. I thought I would take some time to put some photos of myself and Vogan on my blog from when we went to the skatepark most recently. For anyone that is interested, I go to the Freemont Park. As you can see, the mountains are not very clearly visible in the background, due to the terrible "inversion" [according to the news]. Interesting side note: I have been doing most of my physical activities since I was warned about the dangerous levels of pollution. It is so dangerous in fact that schools have been required to do indoor recess. The weather has been helpful in getting the inversion out of here. In the photo it doesn't even seem bad compared to the six or more days before. I was told by my niece, Gracie, that I am in fact an adult. I understand that some of you may not concur with her, but it is what it is, and at very worst I think that we can resort to the legal age of an adult. I exceed the age. As an adult I am fortunate enough to be able to make many decisions, some more clever than others, but decisions none the less. My followers may recall that I am unemployed, leaving me a vast amount of time to spend as I would like. Even now that the new school semester has commenced I find that I have to much time on my hands for my own good. I have digressed. The point is, although the air was dangerous, I choose to do something that needed no extra danger. Skateboarding. It was a bad time to ride around getting my board soggy, but it was one of the best times I have had riding a board around in a long time. I am blaming the double dose of danger. It seems like that was a bit of a ramble. Do you accept my apology?
Is Nathan single? He looks hot.
Nice photos! Nothing like double danger for a good thrill!
What makes you think Nathan is hot? I can't even see him.
On the news it said that being outside for 1 hour was equivalent to smoking 2 packs of cigarettes. If you like danger, you might as well start smoking. Then you could be dangerous even when there isn't an inversion. Oh wait... that would be a stupid idea. Kind of like skateboarding in crappy air. Welcome to Northern Utah pollution.
HA! Heather, I am going to award a point to you for wonderful burns on both Laura and myself. Congrats.
I bet you didn't really pull off those grinds, you just stood on your board and had Logan take the pictures.
That is the skate park I have been to several times with Ryan. One time we found an old stroller and Ryan would push me down into the bowl. It was a bit scary, but very enjoyable! You will have to invite me to come next time you go.
2 burns = 2 points
Logan takes good pictures.
It was my newly acquired friend Sara that was the photographer in the cases where I am the subject.
Is Fremont Park safe? I'm just saying, in my day it was not a good place to hangout unless you did drugs. Do they have a playground monitor there?
Next inversion please stay in. Thanks.
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