August 1, 2009


I am afraid that I have a problem. If I scratch my stomach it leaves a red mark for about 20 minutes. It is time for another contest. I would like for someone to do some research and tell me if giving myself "tiger stripes" is an unhealthy thing to be able to do. Also, I will award a single point to the person that gives the best made up diagnosis, and a single point to the first person that does the research and tells me the actual condition.


Aimee said...

I would call it cat scratch disease (that is a real name). I don't know what the cause is but you are not alone in your worry.

Heather said...

Aimee was the first to comment, but I am the first with the correct answer.

Actual condition:
Scratching too hard and for too long.

Made up:
Dermafitti (as in skin graffiti)

Heather said...

You skin is also dry.

Unknown said...

Is it necessary to scratch yourself? Are you itchy, because if you are I say it is allergies.

Aimee said...

Mom has a good point. I think you need to just quit scratching yourself.

Stembob said...

My hair dresser says that if you scratch your head hard like that, it creates more blood flow, making your hair grow better! (who knows if it actually works?)But maybe you'll start growing tiger striped hair on your stomach?

Jace said...

I dated a girl once who was anemic(iron deficient) and you could draw on her skin with a penny or something and it'd last for like 10 minutes.

Maybe you need some beef..
Or maybe it has to do with the fact that you were never meant to be a human. Maybe God's original intention was for you to be an etch-a-sketch, and so you were formed haphazardly and came out as some sort of hybrid. You're the Prius of humans! (Too bad the prius is gay)

julie said...
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Heather said...

When are you going to give me my points?

Jace said...

ya right heather.. I get the points.. We all know it

Heather said...

Thanks for the point, but I actually was supposed to get two. It is a little bit like being severely underpaid for many hours of work. You know what I mean, don't you?

Rob said...

Why are you supposed to get two?

Heather said...

1 point for actual condition (I am right, you know)

1 point for best made up diagnosis (You know mine was the best)

Jace said...

chronic urticaria
Dermatographism means the ability to write on the skin. People with this form of chronic urticaria are sensitive to touch and pressure, as well as scratching. The areas of skin that are touched or scratched get a raised, red and itchy rash. While many people with chronic urticaria have some features of dermatographism, people with true dermatographism have pressure as the only trigger for their symptoms.

You have a high degree of hystamines in your skin and a condition called "dermatographism"…
(this is not serious at all so don't worry. over the counter medications such as Benadryl will control the symptoms)

Heather said...

OK, Mr. Jace, I see that you are not going to give up easily. I would like to point out to Robert that I did in fact do research. I considered chronic urticaria, but ruled it out because after closely studying the photo, there was no indication that the marks were at all raised. I also do not believe you to be sensitive to touch and pressure. I stand by my diagnosis that he is just scratching too dang hard! I do not believe his so call "tiger stripes" to be anything out of the ordinary. If you don't believe me, ask a professional doctor so that he can laugh at you.

Now, Robert, do the right thing and award me the points that I deserve!

Jace said...

now now heather, picketing for your own cause is one thing, but lets leave the smear campaign at the door of this blog.. haha

Unknown said...

Jace -Join the club of people bullied by Heather. Yes, Heather, you know what I mean. You bully me daily on my blog. :(

Heather said...

I can see that it was hard for you to lose to me. I'm sorry that your answer wasn't as good as mine.

Baby Jay,
I don't know what you are talking about.

Jace said...

I'm bringing my "A" game to future rob-quests.. Prepare yourselves!

Unknown said...

Yes you do Heather. Indeed you do. I'll give you a hint. That post doesn't count.

Lydia said...

Jace is right. It is called dermatographism,skin writing, you just have sensitive skin. It is not an unhealthy thing to be able to do.

Aimee said...

I watched Robert do it to himself and he is just scratching too hard. That is what is wrong with him.

Heather said...

Thank you, Aimee. If you image search dermatographism you will see that it doesn't look like the pictures.

Jace said...

I'm afraid we're locked in at 2vs2.. And since our suggestion sounds really medical and sciency, I'm pretty sure that means we win..

Heather said...

You just need to give up. It is clear that I have been declared the winner. Better luck next time.

Jese said...
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Jese said...

I thought it was called Rob rash.

Jese said...

You could also use a proper English accent and say "rubrush"