Well, as some of you know I have been bowling quite frequently lately, about twice a week
actually.I have learned that it is really fun just to hang out with friends, but bowling amplifies the fun.I have invested a lot of time, and I am dedicated enough that I bought some shoes,
velcro shoes, and I purchased a bowling ball from Logan. The ball is named Travis, keep in mind that I did not name it. Although I love bowling, there is a guy that works there that is really irritating to all of the crew that we go with. I will not bore with my venting about it, but if you would like to call and complain about the worker at the alley on December 4
th it would be helpful. I have digressed. I love bowling, and will keep all you faithful readers updated on my progression. I will include more in depth photos when I have a group photo, and more individuals that I like.
I have been learning how to do statistics this semester in school, and will be starting an ongoing analysis of my bowling scores. I want you to all know that you can expect box plots, pie charts, bar graphs, and possibly a scatter plot or a histogram. I think that a
hazaa is in order for statistics.

This is the "Chelsea Slide", naturally Chelsea's signature move.

This is Noah. Signature move: The Badger Bite.

This is
technically Logan, but he is known in our network of friends as Vogan. Signature move: Piranha Chomp