As many of you are aware, I have moved to Salt Lake City. I received an offer from Buddy to assist me in the move. I accepted with incredible speed. I have a car that would not possibly have the capacity to carry all my personal belongings. Buddy offered to "help a brother out" as they say, and drive his truck, trailer in tow, to my new home in Salt Lake.
All was going as planned until the day the trip was scheduled. Winter decided to show up across the state, making the roads quite the hazard. Buddy tried to brave the storm and make it to my home as scheduled. My understanding is that once he got to Beaver, he and his wife decided that the risk was not worth keeping schedule. He called me and said he was staying in Beaver for the night, I was confused, and an hour later when he was still in Beaver I was completely confused about the situation. Matthew and Logan and myself were all wondering what was taking so long and started to call him. After much confusion and many calls, we finally understood that he was staying there for the night, and not going to be arriving at the final location until the next day. Wheeewwww. Finally we were able to wrap our heads around the concept.
The next day he arrived and asked to never help me move again. I agreed to his terms. I will never ask him to help me with the grueling labor of moving my furniture again. Buddy, I will consider this my official "in writing" promise that I will not ask you to help me move again. I still owe you one for helping me.
In closing, Buddy is a wonderful friend for helping me out in the move. I really have wonderful friends that are ready to help me out in times of need. I would like to believe that Buddy would help me again if I were to ask him to. Buddy, you can rest assured that I will not be asking you soon.
Ask anyone. I was just SICK with worry when I saw the storm. I am glad Buddy had the sense to not continue that night. What a relief.
I'm confused about why you were so confused.
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