December 9, 2008


I went bowling with some pals. These are some better photos of the crew I roll with each week. Above is team 1. Below is team A.
Team 1 members: Noah, Chelsea, Vogan
Team A members: Laura, Rob Himself, Bud

Typically Laura and Bud don't come for the weekly bowl. I invited Laura tonight because I wanted to bowl, yet I also wanted to hang out with her. I murdered two birds with one stone this evening. It was wonderful. She pulled out the come from behind win for Team A in the final frame. It was all up to her... she stepped up on the floor, shaking, put her nerves on ice and threw the ball straight down the lane FTW!

Team A never had the high score, but won both games played this evening. TEAM A FOR LIFE.


phoenyx said...

Excellent game faces Team A.

Jese said...

gobble gobble

Laura said...

I love the muscle shirt on the dude behind me.

Aimee said...

Good job Laura. I bet you could even beat mom

Unknown said...

Now wait a minute! Can she score over 40?

jace said...

remember when you and buddy were competing head to head, and your combined score was about 150? haha

Rob said...

Nice burn Jace. I do remember that.

Heather said...

Was it cold in there?

Annie Krissman said...

The amitures beat the pros! Team A should get matching shirts in celebration.