I was thinking about fighting a great deal last weekend. I have been told that I have a high tollerence for pain. I think I agree with this, however, I have to say that I am quite terrified of pain. I will do quite a bit to avoid serious pain, correct me if I am wrong. I have digressed from the point of this post.
I was thinking about places that are unusual to aim when throwing a fist around. I have a few ideas where I would not enjoy a blow to land.
I would not like to be punched on the top of my foot. I would not like to be punched on my spine. I would not like my tongue to be punched. I don't think I would like to be punched in the ear. I don't want to get punched on the femur. I would not like to get an uppercut to the armpit. I don't want to wear underpants over my shorts as I fight.
I could not find a photo of someone getting punched in the pit, but I did find someone that was about to punch someone in the armpit, probably. I also found a question that I found quite curious. After reading this question, the armpit punch will be my signature move.
I don't think that you are a tough as you think you are. I have seen you act pretty pained when Dad beat you up trying to get candy from the Pooh Pinata. However, I do believe that a punch to the pit is a genius move.
The trip down the stairs is proof that you do not try to avoid serious pain. That really could have hurt.
I heard that if you sneeze with your eyes open your eyes will pop out.
Heather, is that a reply to the link or just a silly fact that you felt needed to share? Thank you for pointing out that I somewhat seek pain. For example: the box ride down the stairs, skateboarding, picking fights with everyone in the family, etc etc.
I think a punch to the armpit would be extremely painful and have unfortunate consequences.
I think it might be a little too hard to actually be able to hit someone in the armpit. I also think that someone elses armpit is one of the grossest places to put your hand. You may want to rethink that as your signature move.
Please, lets not have fighting!
That was just another question that perhaps the Yahoos could answer.
Um.,I was wondering. Why are those guys wearing underpants over their pants. Is that what everyone does?
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