My blog is now officially not boring. 76% of voters voted that the blog is not boring. Thank you for all those who voted not boring, for those of you that voted that my blog is boring, I would like to hear any suggestions that you have.
Perhaps this toilet will change your minds.
I don't think that 17 votes is enough to be representative.
I voted for both boring and not boring. I voted for boring when you didn't have a new post for a few days.
I changed my vote to boring when you hadn't updated for a few hours...multiple times. In the end I voted not boring.
I voted boring after you commented that my blog was boring. You are right though, this photo changes it all. Not boring, not boring, not boring.
I voted not boring, but I still have a suggestion. To not bore me, I would like a picture of your room. Please have it be tidy. I woud like to see your you are living. Thanks.
I think I voted boring... sorry
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